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Holiday Season Giving Tree!

Hey Sabres, it is that time of the year again; holiday season. As you may or may not know, our school helps donate presents to kids who are less fortunate than us. It is something we, as a school have done for a few years and every year its amazing to see the participation we get around the school.

The way this charity usually works is a fourth period class will agree to accept a student (or students) to sponsor. This class will work together to raise money and buy gifts for this student. Then the Peer Helpers will deliver these gifts before winter break. However, this year, we are working on changing this process very slightly.

In the past years, students would typically bring in money and give to the teacher. However, this causes some problems with the office and such. Therefore, this year, we are encouraging the following instead of bringing in cash:

  • Have students bring in a gift from the list of the student your class selected (Preferred method).

  • Have students donate to the gift using Cash Online (link attached).

  • Students can bring in cash donations and Peer Helpers will come around to collect during Period 4.

Let’s work together to let these kids have an amazing holiday season! GO SABRES!

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