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Word Online - A Great Tool!

All students have heard about Office 365, but few actually use it. Office 365 is a very useful tool that students should take advantage of. In this edition, we will be specifically looking at Word Online.

How to use it:

Once you have become familiar with it, I belive that you will find Office 365 an extremely easy to use tool. But first, you have to get to know the ins and outs of the resource itself. This is where my advice becomes useful. If you’re looking for something that can contribute to your success and simplify assignments, keep reading!

Step 1) First, you’ll have to sign into Office 365. This is accessible through the GECDSB website and can be found under the student heading. Once you have navigated and selected Office 365, you will be redirected to a page that allows you to sign in. Follow the same procedure as in school, using the same username and password. Voila, Office 365!

Step 2) Following the first step, you should now have successfully found and signed into Office 365! From this point, we are now going to focus on Word Online only, which can be accessed by clicking on the following box. Although lacking in a few features (you can still use the full version offline and then share), Word Online is a great version of Microsoft Word that is formatted almost identically!

Now that you have signed into Office 365… Here’s a few tips!

Tip 1) If you are working on a group project, you can easily work together through Office 365. Once you have created a document, you can share it with your friends by selecting “share” in the top right corner. Enter their name and press share!

Tip 2) If someone shared something with you, select “OneDrive” from the home page. From there, select “shared with me” on the left side of the page. This will bring you to a list of shared documents that you can choose from.

Advantages of Word Online:

Now that we understand how to use Word Online we also need to look at all the benefits it has to offer.

Never Buy a Flash Drive Ever Again - Word Online is a reason to throw all of your usbs away. You can work on assignments on any computer in Word Online. For example, at school type all of your papers on Word Online, and when you get home you can access the same paper on your computer.

Free - All of Office 365 is 100% free for every Sandwich Student.

Easy Group Work - Word Online is perfect for group work! You can invite any student on Word Online to co-write a paper together. So, if your working on a project with another student, you can work cohesively on Word Online!

No Save Button- This may not sound like an advantage but the missing save button is useful. Word Online saves your work automatically. This means you will no longer loose any of your work!

Download Option- Every student is given the opportunity to download Office 365 on five different devices... For free. This is great, especially since it costs approximately $80.00 in stores! By downlaoding this to your personal computer, you are able to access it without an internet connection. To downoad, select the program of your choice on the homepage and continue the process as it directs you.

So sabres, next time you need to type a document... use Word Online!

By: Lauren Goddard and Jared Miller (Grade 11 Peer Helpers)

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