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Extra Curriculars, Get Involved!

Why should you do extra curriculars at school?


1. Extra-curricular are an exciting part of high school, including sports and clubs. Extra-curricular activities can be very beneficial in developing and improving many skills that can be utilized outside of school. These include skills such as communication, leadership, and other skills that are essential later in life.

2. Extra-Curriculars help you meet new people and have fun at school, these people that you meet also become your network of friends and partners in the working world after your school career.


3. Through extra-curricular activities you can make connections with your coaches and peers that can help and relate to job opportunities. Meeting new people will also allow you to learn from them and improve yourself.

4. Many clubs are also very useful for in specialized areas of school and work. An example of this would be in the DECA club you will learn all about business and gain useful business skills that can be used in school and later on in your career.

Examples of Clubs/Sports teams you may be interested in:

Sports Clubs Basketball DECA Volleyball Robotics Hockey Gay Straight Alliance Football Social justice Badminton Computer Club Tennis Math Club Cross country Peer Helpers Track and field Student Parliament Soccer Band (junior, senior, woodwind, brass, rock) Figure Skating Yearbook Gymnastics Anti-Bullying Golf Wrestling Pep Squad Swim team Slo-Pitch Baseball

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